Thursday, April 23, 2009

Web Browsing With the iPhone

How to work location malaysia internet on celcom broadband plus streamyx iPhone. As good as the iPhone is, it cannot replace the sheer size of a home computer or laptop, so how do you go about typing all that information in and interact with the various websites that the iPhone is perfectly capable of displaying?

Firstly let's consider command entry. You really could do with a bigger keyboard couldn't you? The iPhone uses Safari as the browser. By tapping the address bar lo and behold a bigger "keyboard" appears on the screen. Just turn your phone sideways to see it properly and start entering information.

Users of the internet often have a preferred page that they want to see when they log on to the internet - a home page. Unfortunately, this cannot be done directly on the iPhone in the conventional way that you might on your home computer. Instead, you will need to take an alternative approach that is not quite the same. You need to set it up as a bookmark and identified in such a way that it appears at the top of your bookmark list.

Sharing websites. From time to time we find particular web sites that we would like to share with others by sending them the link. On your home computer there are a variety of ways to do this. On the iPhone, tap the address bar and select "Share". This opens up a new email message with the address contained within it streamyx price for you to choose from your contact list as to who should receive it and it provides for you to compare broadband package any comments before selecting "send".

The next suggestion is cool! Suppose you are on a website and you see a telephone number that you want to call. When at home you may simply write the number down then call it. With the iPhone, there is no need to do that. All you need to do with the iPhone is tap the number on the screen and your phone will take over and make that call! The same thing works in emails.

Release the balloon! This is applicable when you want link information in the Safari browser on your iPhone or where there is a link in an email to be revealed. To enable this process, fastest broadband of tapping the screen, hold/pull your fingertip in a downward direction.

Beam me up! There are times when you want to simply go to the top of a long web page displayed on your iPhone without going through the laborious scrolling process. All you need to do is try tapping the gray status bar in Safari which is displayed at the top of the iPhone monitor. This should whisk you back to the beginning.

This is just one of a wide range of articles based on the iPhone to be found at Why not drop by to read more?